+39 347 9764065



​Residence Argentina

​Residence Argentina

Tourist Hotel Residence

Hotel Tourist Residence
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Follow us on:
Via Venezia, 11
17028 - Spotorno (SV) Italy

+39 347 9764065


Information Privacy



Information pursuant to the GDPR 2016 on the processing of personal data

Processing of personal data means any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or set of personal data, even if not recorded in a database, such as collection, registration , the organization, structuring, storage, processing, selection, blocking, adaptation or modification, abstraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or distribution.

The personal data provided directly by the user to Residence Argentina also through the pages of the website accessible at (URL) www.residenceargentinaspotorno.com ("Site") at the time of registration and subsequently for the use of services from time to time once provided by the company, they will be treated in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003 on the protection of personal data ("Privacy Code") and following the entry into force of EU Regulation 679/2016 ("GDPR ") in accordance with the provisions of art. 13 of the aforementioned European Regulation.

The Residence Argentina company informs the user of the following.

According to the law, this treatment will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights and in compliance with the principle of minimization and limitation, that is, used only to the extent necessary for the purposes for which they are processed ; for the above:

- all reasonable measures must be taken to promptly cancel or correct inaccurate data with respect to the purposes for which they are processed;

- integrity and confidentiality must be guaranteed, ie the data will be processed in such a way as to ensure adequate security of personal data, including protection, through appropriate technical and organizational measures, from unauthorized or unlawful processing and from loss, destruction or accidental damage;

- must comply with the provisions regarding responsibility of the data controller.

For the above, we therefore provide the following information.

1. Purpose

Your personal data, freely communicated and acquired by reason of the activity carried out by Residence Argentina, will be processed lawfully and fairly for the following purposes:

A. Without the user's express consent (art. 24 letter a, b, c Privacy Code and art. 6 letter b, c, f of the GDPR): - the data will be collected and used exclusively for purposes directly connected and instrumental to the activation and operation of the services provided by Residence Argentina, to fulfill all legal obligations, including accounting and tax obligations, to fulfill the obligation pursuant to Article 109 of the RD 18.6.1931 n. 773, which requires us to register and communicate to the Police Headquarters the personal details of the housed customers and for the legitimate interest of the company.

B. Only with the specific and separate consent of the user and up to the revocation of the same (art. 23 and 130 Privacy Code and art. 7 GDPR) use of personal data, in particular e-mail address and paper mail, by the owner, for sending proposals and for sending advertising material relating to commercial communication, including the newsletter concerning offers on the Site (so-called "marketing" purposes).

C. Only after specific and separate consent and until revocation of the same (art. 23 and 130 Privacy Code and art. 7 GDPR) use of the photos taken by the data controller within the structure for publication on the Residence Argentina Facebook page .

D. Only with the specific and separate consent of the user and up to the revocation of the same (art. 23 and 130 Privacy Code and art. 7 GDPR) use of personal data for communication to third parties of the same in case of reception of messages and phone calls during the stay.

The user can oppose the treatment of the art. B, in the art. C and art. D at any time after giving your consent by sending an e-mail to residenceargentina@gmail.com

Failure to consent to the purposes referred to in this point will in no way affect the user's ability to use the services of the data controller.

2. Methods

The processing will be carried out in the following ways: the Data Controller treats the Personal Data of Users by taking appropriate security measures to prevent access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data. The processing is carried out using manual, IT and / or telematic tools, with organizational methods and logic strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Owner, in some cases, categories of employees may have access to the data involved in the business organization of the holder (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external parties (such as third party technical service providers, postal couriers , hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, for the processing of data by the owner. The updated list of Data Processors may always be requested from the Data Controller.

In particular, the user's personal data may be communicated to specific subjects, appointed by the Data Controller to provide instrumental or necessary services for the execution of the obligations connected with the business activity.

3. Legal basis of the processing

The legal basis of the processing is allowed by the user's consent, by the execution of a contract, to fulfill a legal obligation and to pursue a legitimate interest (Article 6 paragraph l, a, b, c, f ).

4. Place

The Data are processed at the offices of the Data Controller, located in Spotorno, a private road from Via Venezia 11 and at the offices of external managers appointed pursuant to art. 28 GDPR., Carefully selected for reliability and competence.

5. Times

The Data are processed and stored for the period necessary to achieve the purposes relating to the service and specifically to the purposes described above (five years) except for the retention period imposed by law. The data will be stored for a further period related to the purposes of disputes and any disputes. The User can always request the interruption of the treatment or the cancellation of the Data.

6. Registrations to the site or mailing list

By registering to the mailing list or to the newsletter or to the site, the User's e-mail address is automatically inserted in a list of contacts to which e-mail messages containing information, including commercial and promotional, can be transmitted. to the owner's activity. The User's e-mail address may also be added to this list after concluding a contract.

Personal data collected: e-mail and name.

7. Identity and contact details of the holder

The data controller is:

Argentina Residence located in Spotorno, a private road from Via Venezia 1.

E-mail: residenceargentina@gmail.com

8. Rights of the interested party

At any time you can exercise your rights towards the data controller.

The user (hereinafter also "interested"), pursuant to the provisions of art. 7 Privacy Code and art. 15 and following of the GDPR, has rights to:

- obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form;

- obtain the indication: a) of the origin of the personal data; b) the purposes and methods of processing; c) the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; d) of the identification data concerning the data controller, data processors and the representative designated pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 2 of the Privacy Code and art. 3, paragraph 1, GDPR; e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or appointees;

- obtain: a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; b) the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data which does not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed; c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the event that such fulfillment occurs it proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate use of resources with respect to the protected right;

- object, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data concerning him, even though pertinent to the purpose of the collection; b) to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication, through the use of automated call systems without the intervention of an operator by e-mail and / or through traditional marketing methods by phone and / or mail. It should be noted that the data subject's right of opposition for direct marketing purposes through automated methods extends to the traditional ones and that the possibility remains open for the interested party to exercise the right to object even in part. Therefore, the interested party may decide to receive only communications using traditional methods or only automated communications or none of the two types of communication;

- ask the holder to access personal data (art. 15 GDPR), rectification (art. 16 GDPR) or cancellation (art. 17 GDPR) of the same, limitation of the processing or to oppose their treatment (art. 18 GDPR);

- the external portability of data processed in automated form where applicable;

- to withdraw the consent at any time without jeopardizing the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;

- propose a complaint to the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data.

To exercise the aforementioned rights, as well as to receive information relating to the subjects to whom the data is stored or to whom the data is communicated or to the subjects who, in their capacity as managers or appointees, may come to know your data, may contact the holder submits a request to the following e-mail address: residenceargentina@gmail.com

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